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Home Blog How to Grow Zinnias
January 16th 2024

How to Grow Zinnias

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Zinnias are one of the easiest cut flowers to grow. They are the perfect first crop for beginning gardeners and are reliable, prolific producers no matter where you garden. 

In addition to churning out buckets and buckets of beautiful, long-stemmed blooms that are perfect for cutting, they are well-loved by pollinators. 

Zinnias resent cold weather and prefer to be planted after things have warmed up a bit. 

Many gardeners in warmer parts of the world are able to successfully direct-seed zinnias straight into the garden, but here in cool Washington we start our plants early in the greenhouse, 4 to 6 weeks before our last spring frost. 

Plants are then tucked into the field once the weather has sufficiently warmed and all danger of frost has passed.

Like every flower grown on our farm, we try to give them the best start possible and prepare our planting beds with a generous dose of compost and organic fertilizer. Learn more about soil preparation here.

Once planting beds are prepared, we lay down drip irrigation lines and then cover the beds with a layer of preburned landscape fabric. Using fabric is not necessary for success, but here on the farm, we use it to increase heat and suppress weeds.

Plants are spaced 9 to 12 in (23 to 30 cm) apart and watered deeply one to two times per week depending on the weather. If given good soil and a steady supply of water, plants can get huge and will require some type of support. 

If grown in long rows, plants can be corralled by pounding heavy stakes or T-posts around the perimeter of the bed and using bailing twine to create a string-lined box to hold the plants upright. If you’re growing zinnias in your garden beds, individual plants can be tied to stakes with twine. 

The secret to getting the most abundant flower production and longest stems from your zinnias is pinching them when they are young. When plants are 8 to 12 in (20 to 30 cm) tall, take sharp pruners and snip the top 3 to 4 in (7 to 10 cm) off the plant, just above a set of leaves. This signals the plant to send up multiple stems from below where the cut was made. 

During spells of hot, dry weather, zinnias are prone to powdery mildew. Providing good airflow around the plants and making sure that they aren’t experiencing any drought stress will help minimize disease pressure. 

We’ve found that preventatively spraying a mixture of Cease and MilStop (both organic fungicides) every 7 to 10 days keeps it at bay. 

If you’re not regularly harvesting your zinnias, be sure to deadhead any spent blooms to help focus the plant’s energy on producing new flowers and not going to seed.

Zinnias need to be picked when they are fully ripe or they won’t last in the vase. To tell whether a zinnia is ready to harvest, use the “wiggle test.” Simply grab the stem about 8 in (20 cm) down from the flower head and gently shake it. If the stem is droopy or bends, it is not ready to cut. If the stem is stiff and remains erect, it is ready to harvest. 

Zinnias are considered a “dirty” flower and benefit from a drop or two of bleach in their water. Flowers are very cold sensitive, so don’t put them in the cooler. If floral preservative is added to the water, zinnias should last about a week in the vase.

I’ve been growing zinnias since the very beginning, and every year I fall more and more in love with them. If you want to see all of my favorite varieties, check out the zinnia section of the Floret Library. 

If you’re looking for zinnia seed, we have a beautiful collection of farm-bred Floret Original varieties over in the Floret Shop.

I would love to hear about your experience with this wonderful group of plants. Do you grow zinnias or plan to add them to your garden this coming season? If so, what are your favorite varieties, or what new treasures are you adding to your wish list?

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  1. Betsy on

    I am planting 3 of your zinnia varieties and want to try and save seeds this summer. So, I was also wondering how far apart I need to plant different kinds of zinnias to prevent cross pollination. Thanks for all the helpful information you guys provide!

  2. Braidy on

    Your tips are very helpful. I can’t emphasize enough how user friendly your guides are. Can you please share the variety of hydrangea shown next to the row of zinnias in the last picture?

  3. Julie on


    I Love Zinnias, I bought the giant variety but the blooms were very small. I’m based in Ireland so summers are on average 20(c) 68(f). They are not prolific and the side shoots have very small stems. The soul is rich with nutrients, it gets a good mulch of dung in October so is well rotted down by June when I plant out my Zinnias. What can so do to improve them?

  4. Anneli on

    Thank you so much for this “how to grow Zinnias”! I have so much memories from my mom growing them when Inwas a child back in South Africa! We live now in Bulgaria and my first EVER Zinnia seeds will be planted todag, 6 April! The weather is amazing now!!
    Thanks again for all your wonderful ideas and inspiration!!
    Warm Regards

  5. Tina on

    I was wondering how far apart you need to plant different varities of zinnias to prevent cross polination, so that I can save seeds for future seasons. Thanks!

  6. Parker on

    Hi! I am trying to start some zinnias for the first time and am struggling. I have a giant zinnia seed mix and they germinate well and grow talk relatively quickly but then they just die. Maybe the stem is too weak? Any tips on how to get them to stay alive is much appreciated!

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      It sounds like they need more light. Put a light fixture 3 inches above the tops of the seedlings as soon as they sprout and leave it on for 14-16 hours each day.

  7. Cara Elise on

    Zinnias are my go-to easy flower to grow in central Ohio. They thrive here when the weather is warm. In my opinion–they are really easy to direct seed and also transplants are hard to kill. I even save my own seeds! This flower never lets me done even thought I don’t have the greenest of thumbs. :) Thank you for the advice about powdery mildew. I am going to try those tips this summer.

  8. Kendra (Sugarbean Farm) on

    I had great germination with mine too! When they were about 3-4 days after germinating (roots still small, but stem fairly strong), I pulled one of the two out and popped it into an empty seed cell tray and they’re all doing great now a few weeks later. If they’re still young enough and the roots haven’t spread super far in your cell yet, I say try it! (Further context – I planted into 50 cell trays (not soil blocks), so there was some room.

  9. Pamela on

    I purchased Alpenglow and very eager to plant. I’m going to start some in the milk jug by winter sowing a few seeds and see how that goes. I’m in zone 6b in Mid Michigan on the Easter shore of Lake Saint Clair. I’m sure they will be beautiful arranged with my Pennycress and Dahlias!

  10. Pat on

    Zinnias are the very first flowers I tried to grow and I have only direct seeded them here in the Columbia River Gorge. This year I am starting them from seed hoping to have flowers earlier than when I have direct seeded. I will be starting Floret originals and so excited to do so! I am using 72 plug trays that are about 4″ deep, should I be using something with less depth? Team Floret, thank you for all you do! You’re the BEST!!

  11. Betsey Ney on

    Zinnias are very popular with butterflies and that is why I grow them. I have trouble finding varieties that fit my needs. Many of the seeds on the market are fully double, which don’t provide the nectar that I’m looking for. Single or semi-double flowers work well. I would also like something 18 – 30″ tall, so that that they do not need staking. Finally, I’m not looking for mixed colors. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  12. Cherie Grover on

    I planted 2 seeds per hole in a 72 cell of precious metals and 100% germinated. Am I resigned to thin them out to one per cell or would they survive being split up? Lesson learned on Floret germ rates!

  13. Rose Strong on

    I just moved to Maine last April (2023) and this will be my first real spring for major planting. I hope to have a couple beds tilled to grow flowers and tomatoes. My number one flower to plant is the zinnia. They last all summer and grow with little maintenance. This year, I’m trying some seed starting instead of purchasing plants. We’ll see what happens!

  14. Chandra on

    I’ve heard that starting them early in seed trays and then planting out decreases the number of doubles you get when compared to direct sown seeds. Have you seen this?

  15. Alyson D on

    I am in Dallas, TX and LOVE Zinnias. I plant them in the ground at the front of my house and in pots and a massive planter in the backyard. They are awesome! They need very little maintenance, love the heat and continue to bloom when everything else has shriveled up in the hot summer. I just purchased some Floret seeds and cannot wait to plant them when they arrive. Thank you for bringing so much beauty to the world! Love, Love, Love Floret!

  16. Josie on

    I too live in the Pacific Northwest….and have not found them an easy crop to start.
    I try to wait till April to start them indoors. But I my unheated attached greenhouse the temperature fluctuates from very warm during sunny days to quite cool at night. And the zinnias never look happy.
    Of course, the ones I buy and transplant into the garden are very happy. But I don’t find them easy to start myself.
    Any tips??

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      Starting them in a controlled environment where the temperatures don’t drop below 60 degrees helps. A heat mat in the evening time will help but then turned off during the day when temperatures increase.

  17. Barb Wenger on

    The only Zinnias I’ve had success with are nursery transplants so this year I’m trying from seed. I’ve gotten decent germination success but can’t seem to plant up at all. I’m in Kansas with tough spring winds so I feel like they need to be hardy before being transplanted outdoors. Any tips, please?

  18. Karen Smagala on

    I love zinnias. I grow them in South Australia and they have started to self seed (volunteer). I find when the humidity is higher, the powdery mildew is a problem. They love heat and need very little water to flourish.

  19. Amanda on

    I planted a couple rows of Victorian Wedding and Precious Metals about 2-3 weeks ago in Texas (9a). I direct seeded – as I always do with zinnias – and the germination rate has been amazing! I didn’t count the number of seeds I planted, but if I had to guess, I’d put the number very close to 100%.

    My little guys already have their 3rd set of leaves and look great! Can’t wait for blooms.

    Thanks for sharing your hard work – can’t wait to start sharing pics and blooms!

  20. Ben D on

    Hi team,
    Do you have any information/video on saving zinnia seeds, and is it ok to save zinnia seeds that have been impacted by powdery mildew?

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      This summer we’ll be sharing a course all about seed saving so be on the lookout for that!

  21. Cindy Nyberg on

    Zinnias were the first flower I ever grew. Red & White candy cane striped from a packet of mixed seeds that my mom gave me. I was in the 2nd grade and love flowers ever since. My daughters began playing in my gardens as soon as they could walk and now, I’m helping them start their own gardens. I cannot wait to try your new Floret Farms Zinnias and have been working to get a nice long border ready for them.

    Joining you to put more flowers in the world.

    Thank you!!!

  22. Matia Snyder on

    I am going on my second year of flower gardening and I love it!! This year I am trying to plant all of my own seeds… And zinnias are the ones I have the most of!! My favorite is queeny lime red ♥️ it is just Soo beautiful (all flowers are but yeah 😜)… Thank you Floret for being one of the people to inspire me to grow more flowers!

  23. Wanda on

    God morning team Floret,

    I live on Shaw Island, in the San Jauns Islands and am slowly getting my farm going. I am curious where you get your compost locally. Would love to start picking up truck loads when I catch the ferry to the mainland. TIA

  24. Brooke Deaton on

    My brother-in-law and niece introduced me to zinnias and I started growing them 3 years ago. And now there are zinnia patches all over our little village. I am just giddy with delight from the moment they begin to bloom! I found Floret Farms and have ordered the Golden Hour seeds – can’t wait! I think Precious Metals will be next!

  25. Deanna on

    Can you pinch zinnias before you plant them in the ground? I have many floret originals growing now and I am probably a couple weeks away from hardening off and planting in my raised beds. Can I pinch them in their trays? They are 8” tall already!!

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      Yes, you can pinch them before transplanting or wait until they are transplanted to help with root development.

  26. Carole Shaw on

    Up north (Washington State) we can’t put ours out until after the last frost in April, so you have to be able to get them down in your warm area. :)

  27. Peter on

    Would you say with zinnias that they don’t like root disturbance so its best to sow in pots from which you can directly plant into the ground outside rather than sow in a seed tray and have to pot them on?

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      We start ours in 72s and tranplant them without potting up.

  28. Patti on

    I have never grown zinnias. Precious Metals have inspired me! I also got unicorn mix for memorial flower patch for my baby sister, who passed and was the ultimate unicorn. I’m doing these on opposite sides of my house, in hopes of harvesting the seeds. I love that you’re doing what you do, where I grew up working in the fields. Thank you from Vashon Island.

  29. Sue King on

    I have never been able to keep seeds going when I start them inside. I am hoping they do good by direct seeding into the soil. Will these reseed themselves if left in the ground in the fall?

  30. Laura on

    I am in the very most southern part of Alabama, zone 9A. Can I grow them here? If so, is it too late for this year?? I looooovvveee the varieties that you offer!!

  31. Marsha Neher on

    Would you please give more details and specifics about Cease andMilStop. What is your exact recipe and can I get these products on Amazon? I’m in Wenatchee, and I have terrible trouble with powdery mildew. I’ve done all know to prevent, such as plenty of air space, spraying consistently with Neem, watering in the morning or evening…Ugh! Thank you for your advise, and thank you for all you do.

  32. Stephanie on

    I will be growing 5 different Zinnia varieties (some Floret Originals) for the first time this year. They are just for pretty looks in our yard as landscaping, cut flowers in my home, and for the bees. I have always loved these flowers and cannot wait to see them when they are all in full bloom!

  33. Lisa Riemersma on

    I am OBSESSED with Zinnias! I love seeing photos of your gorgeous Zinnias and reading your oh so helpful tips! I have been planting Zinnia seeds for 30 years. They are my favorite flower planted from seed. So many varieties it is crazy. I also love the fact that they bloom all season and are perfect cut flowers. I have a little plot that is reserved just for them and also mix them in all of my other flower and vegetable gardens.
    I live in zone 6a. I still after all these years have not managed to control the mold issue. It is so frustrating. I of course tried many things and mainly water thru drip hoses on the ground. I say mainly because my husband has a tendency to spray/water everything with the garden hose. (Even my squash and cucumbers ugh) He thinks it has nothing to do with the mold. Any suggestions?

  34. Julie on

    Hi BriAnn,
    I am going to start my zinnias indoors. I have heating pads and lights all ready to go.
    After I plant the seeds and place them on a heating pad, do I start the lights also? Or, do I wait until they germinate, take the dome off and remove heat pads and place under the lights?
    I am new to this, but am so excited to grow my first cut flower garden with all the floret seeds!!
    Thank you so much!!

  35. Carrie Grayson on

    It looks as if you plant them closer than 9-12 inches. For flower production can I plant closer than that?

  36. Kay Antunez de Mayolo on

    Hello – can you please let me know what “preburned landscape fabric” is…thanks.

  37. Sharon on

    I grew zinnias for the first time last year. I live on Vancouver Island, close to Victoria and I was a little late out of the gate. I planted them directly into the flower bed and didn’t do anything special with them except sporadically water throughout our drought. I was AMAZED at the amount of flowers they produced. These plants keep on giving and what’s even better is that the deer (last year they travelled around in groups of up to 9!) didn’t touch them. This year I am growing several varieties of zinnias (I’m a little late out of the gate, again) and I will adopt much of what Erin is suggesting and look forward to a bumper crop in my own little cutting garden.

  38. Heidi Klammer on

    I have the same question as Teri-Lee. I also wonder how warm they need to be to grow. Mine have germinated and are still tiny but I wonder if I should get them out of their 72 plug trays and pot them up as they have some true leaves (barely). They are under lights but my house is about 60-64 degrees. I started on heat mats but have read to take them off once they germinate.

  39. Angela on

    I planted my Floret Original seeds this weekend and they’ve already sprouted. So that’s very exciting!

  40. Agnes A Little Flower Farm Baldivis on

    love zinnias and dahlias and roses but most importantly the Lilliput zinnias won me over.
    when I purchased the seed packets I have not realized what the name referred to
    great shock but also great fun sharing the story through my garden tour and flower picking. the Lilliput zinnias are tiny!! and cute and adorable.

  41. Nena C on

    Yes I have been growing zinnias for many many years now and they’re so to be admired for their vigor and floriferousness. But I was never really in love with them…so I am so looking forward to growing your Floret Originals and will start the seeds in a week or two 5b western Montana. Thank you for creating these zinnia varieties and really looking forward to seeing their unique colors!

  42. Usha Gupta on

    Thank you very much for the helpful hints of growing Zinnias. Love all your suggestions and posts. Stay blessed always.

  43. Teri-Lee Norfolk on

    Hi Erin:
    I have planted a selection of your zinnia seeds in seed trays under a grow lamp . They are doing well and have several sets of leaves. I’m just wondering when/if I can move them into my unheated greenhouse (which does not have grow lights) to finish maturing while the weather warms up. I live on Vancouver Island so have a similar climate to you.

  44. sandra groves on

    I planted some by seed 4 weeks ago. I had them on a heating pad and they came up within 1 week. Then they all got very leggy and all but 1 died. I was waiting until they got stronger to thin them out. Should I have thinned them out sooner? The 1 I have left is doing great. I want to start more but I would like to figure out what I did wrong 1st.

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      It could be they weren’t getting enough light causing them to grow leggy and weak. Or the soil dried out or was overly saturated.

  45. S.C.M on

    Hi there! I live in Vancouver, WA. Do you think it’s safe to direct sow the seeds when the danger of frost has passed? I fear I missed the window to start seeds indoors. Thank you!

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      Our last expected frost date is still 4-6 weeks away. I’d suggest starting them indoors.

  46. Jim and Eva Pierce on

    Thanks Erin,
    We’ve always enjoyed zennias, my mom loved them so much back in Texas, always had her drive way lined with Zinnias and Shaggy Popies.

  47. Courtney on

    What date do you go by for last frost in Mount Vernon? Your website is such an inspiration, thank you, from a new Skagitonian.

  48. Lori G. on

    Recently found a picture of my garden back in 1971 and I was growing zinnias then and every year since! So looking forward to trying the new Floret originals this year. Some of my past favorites are Benary’s Giants, Zowie, Senora, Holi Scarlet and Salmon Profusion.

  49. Lisa on

    I’ve fallen in love with zinnias after using your seeds to grow them for several years! I have Benary’s Giant wine, Oklahoma salmon, and am SO excited to have gotten my hands on some Alpenglow this year!! It’s going to be a good summer. :)

  50. KaraLee Monroe on

    Thanks for the great info again! I just started my seeds in some flats in my greenhouse last week & already have some germinating! Excited to see those lovely Zinnias you’ve been creating for us! Happy Gardening ~KaraLee

  51. Laura McDonald on

    I was always under the impression zinnias did not like being transplanted. This doesn’t seem to be true. Any thoughts ?

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      They do well when hardened off and transplanted a couple weeks after the last frost date when temps are warmer.

  52. Dana P. on

    Hello Erin and crew!! I started my floret originals 5 weeks ago in my tiny greenhouse. I’m happy to say by the end of next week I will be planting them in my garden. This journey has been a beautiful one. I only discovered zinnias a few years ago and now I can’t get enough of them. As I mentioned before, in comments to floret farms they are planted in memory of my beautiful daughter Madyson.
    Zinnias make my days brighter like she did : ) Thank-you all for helping me in my journey.

  53. Krystal on

    I bought Zinnia starts last year at the nursery on a whim and my husband was captivated. So I am starting from seed this year with Oklahoma Ivory seeds that I ordered from Floret. 100% germination 😊. I’m in Seattle, so still have some time before they get planted.

  54. Evelyn on

    What can I do about earwigs?

  55. Sundy Garland on

    Thank you Erin should good information! I love zinnias and have grown them for years. I fell in love with them in my mother’s garden. She would always plant a row in the vegetable garden. They make the best cut flower.
    I have bought Dawn Creek blush & pastels and your alpenglow, golden hour, unicorn, Victorian wedding, and precious metals I can’t wait to get them started this week.

  56. Jeannette on

    I’m so excited to plant the seedlings I started with your seeds. This is my first time. I made a raised bed for them that’s ready and waiting. In OK I’m planning to plant in about 2 weeks. Thank you for your amazing resources. Can’t wait to see some blooms! God bless!

  57. Kristen Bennett on

    Thanks for all of the helpful hints! I’ve taken careful notes and am ready for another season!

  58. Jen on

    Zinnias love the Walla Walla valley (zone 7A). I just direct sow in June after the soil warms up and they are going gangbusters by August.

  59. L J de Kramer on

    I am so excited to start my Floret seeds. But I am not sure if to start indoors or wait to direct seed outdoors. I would love to see how you staked the beds with the post and bailing twine. I only ordered one package of zinnias as to not overwhelm myself, so it would be a small plot.

  60. Peggy MacMillan on

    I’m 77 and from Ottawa, Canada (Zone 5a).
    My mother’s favorite flowers were Giant Cactus zinnias and she grew them every year. I bought a package of your Unicorn Mix which I will seed indoors when I return home from Florida in mid April. I’m excited to get going!
    Have you grown giant cactus zinnias?
    I love your website, videos and all the wonderful resources you give us about organic gardening and your business.
    Thanks so much Erin and team!

  61. Lilli on

    I’m in 8b/middle Georgia, with a long growing season. We can direct sow zinnias here no problem- the combo of humidity AND heat/drought is a problem though, especially with powdery mildew. The best workaround I’ve found is additional successions. The first sowings are usually in early May, and the last are by July 4th. The first zinnias always look awful by the end of July, so I cut them down and enjoy the later successions instead. Those will bloom from august to the first hard frost here, which is usually early-mid November. It also gives me a chance to swap out color palettes, it’s a feature, not a bug!

  62. Janice Svela on

    Thank you Erin for this post… it is most helpful.
    I, also, have been growing zinnias in my beds for numerous years…. They are gorgeous as long as the rabbits don’t get them first.
    I will be trying out your originals this summer… along with my seed. Very anxious to get started. Normally I direct sow but this year will start in the house with help of heating mat and then under lights.
    Last year was the first year I snipped them ….. a game changer.
    I have been told many a photo has been taken of my 4 ft x20 ft zinnia bed… the passersby’s and pollinators/ finches/ hummingbirds LOVE them. I think they wait every summer for the goodies..
    I love all your posts and info… thank you.
    God Bless you/ family and all your hard workers,

  63. Catherine Forcillo on

    Thank you for the tips on powdery mildew. I’ve been growing zinnias for many years and often struggle with this. Can’t wait to give this product a try. Love your site. Thanks for sharing

  64. Louise on

    Just finished our Zinnia season here in Australia
    I am madly seed saving atm
    Would LOVE to have some your varieties over here
    Esp those gorgeous pastels 😍💐

  65. M eason on

    Last year I tried to grow zinnias in zone 9 Texas. I had a terrible time with some type of fly I’m going to try again this year I did container. This year I am going to direct sow into the soil when it warms up

  66. Cindi on

    I have trouble with the brown spots on leaves later during the season.

  67. Cris Avery on

    I started Dawn Creeks blush and Lilliput Salmon inside (zone 5b and we got 21” of snow last Saturday !) since my soil won’t be ready anytime soon. They germinated in 2 days!!! Also did some of your Cosmos seashell mix and same thing. I had to raise my grow lights a bit because they’re growing so fast. So excited.

  68. Crystal Bailey on

    They have been a staple in my gardens since I first started gardening. This year I will be growing your original zinnias with mine. I’m so excited to see these beauties in person.

  69. Elisabeth on

    They dry really well in silica gel too! I cut the stem to an inch or less. The stem is hollow so after they are dry I stick the blossom onto a wooden skewer and start arranging! Love how they really elevate an arrangement with things like straw flower and celosia.

  70. Susan B Peden on

    I love to grow zinnias around the vegetable garden. They attract the Japanese beetles, which can be a mixed blessing if I don’t have the beetle traps out yet! I have grown them under and between the giant sunflowers for a lovely hedge.

  71. Jennifer Wolcott on

    My Granddaughter is getting married next September and asked me to do the flowers. She chose Zinnies and I now have 16 packages of seeds. There are so many! I’m planning to start them myself and then stick them all over. (I have been gardening for about 60 years so I do know what I’m getting into.)

  72. Nina on

    I would love to learn how to save seeds from zinnias. Please make a video how to so we can continue growing these beautiful flowers !!!!

  73. Allison on

    I live in a beautiful part of the world, Hout Bay, Cape Town and have just grown Zinnias for the first time ever…I’m hooked. I have lots of brightly coloured zinnias in amongst my dahlias and they just make me so happy when I see them every morning. They also seem to be quite robust and have coped very well with our nasty Summer wind which is known as the Cape South Easter. It blows, sometimes gale force, and whilst I am hugging my dahlias, tying up and staking them, the Zinnias seem to be fine. What I wouldn’t do to get my hands on some Alpenglow, Precious metals and Unicorn Mix. I wake up dreaming about them. I’m holding thumbs that the shipping might work out for this part of the world.

    Thank you Erin and team for the inspiration.
    Allison x

  74. melanie perrone on

    I grow hundreds of purple zinnias in my front yard flower bed every year. last year I was fortunate when even though I didn’t plant them in the spring, they self seeded and had quite a bit of zinnias growing in the bed. this year I look forward to adding a few new varieties of zinnias, along with all the other seeds that the pollinators love.

  75. melly on

    My Michigan mother in law would scatter zinnia seeds in the wind come springtime and always had the loveliest blooms alongside her barn. I’ve found them easy to grow in my zone 5 garden too. I’m so excited for your new venture. Congratulations, Floret!

  76. Valerie Pagounis on

    I am in zone 6B and have had great luck growing Zinnias for years . I have started seeds indoors & outside using the winter sowing method. I have loved your Oklahoma, Carmines, & Benary’s. I fill my border in the front yard against the fence & all around my raised vegetable garden beds. I can not wait until Feb 6th for all of your Floret everything ! ! I’ve set reminders in my phone, on the wall calendar in the kitchen, a post it note on my computer & one of my daughter’s also set a reminder on her phone, too! We just finished watching your video on You Tube. Thank You for all you do and you have inspired me to start saving seeds this year :)

  77. Christy Foster on

    I absolutely love zinnias but have had such a hard time here with brown spot. No matter where on our farm I have tried growing them the brown spot gets them by late August.

  78. Jennifer Sevin on

    What type of flower is next to the zinnias in the last picture? Is that a bottle brush hydrangea?

  79. Connie Tibbits on

    I have good luck growing zinnias in Wisconsin. I start zinnia seeds indoors and outside to get a longer growing season.

  80. Jennifer on

    I’ve had such success with zinnias here in hot, sunny central California. I love the Benary giants, state fair, several of the Oklahomas, and Queen lime red. I also love to save seeds and grow them out again. I’m looking forward to trying some of the new Florets!

  81. Maxine on

    New to flower garden, but excited to get started this year. I’m looking at the new lime queen series. I have had a few California giants in my yard for a couple of years and just fell in love with them. Thank you for the inspiration and information. Max Griffith


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